Chicago Zoning and Entitlements

Our experience in Chicago zoning, land use, and development is expansive. We maintain excellent long-standing relationships with key officials and staff in numerous City departments, including specifically the Department of Planning and Development and the Corporation Counsel.

Zoning in Chicago

We have represented all types of private sector real estate interests seeking approvals in Chicago.

This includes planned developments, variances, rezonings, text amendments, subdivisions, zoning interpretations, administrative adjustments, right-of-way vacations, business and liquor licenses, and building and sign permit approvals. We have handled entitlement approvals for a wide range of uses, including commercial, industrial, residential, educational, and office.

We have worked on high profile historic preservation projects under Chicago’s landmark and demolition delay ordinances. We represent clients in complying with Chicago’s affordable requirements ordinance for residential developments.


Our land use and entitlement knowledge has been recognized by the City itself. On numerous occasions, we have been retained by Chicago to assist on important public projects.

These have included the establishment of the Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus program for downtown and neighborhood development and investment, the creation of the largest TIF district in the U.S. to provide facility improvements and development along the Chicago Transit Authority’s Red Line, and the negotiation of a multi-million dollar public-private partnership for a new central Chicago fire station and 50-story office and mixed-use tower.

Private Sector Experience / Public Sector Insights

Years of experience ready to employ for the broadest range of entitlement projects

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