Monica V. Pechous
Attorney, Elrod Friedman LLP
About Monica Pechous
Monica Pechous focuses her practice on municipal law, zoning, land use, and economic development. She counsels local governments on an array of topics including governance, regulatory matters, and statutory compliance related to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act and Illinois Open Meetings Act.
Her experience includes preparing and negotiating contracts such as intergovernmental and professional service agreements, purchase and sale agreements, and license agreements, as well as drafting legislation, policy, zoning, and other development approvals. She also regularly attends board and commission meetings for local government clients. Monica has authored and published many articles on local government matters including the impact of technological advancements on home rule power, the constitutionality of municipal fines and property seizures, and cybersecurity and data privacy considerations for municipalities.
Prior to joining Elrod Friedman, Monica worked as a corporate associate at Kirkland & Ellis LLP. During law school, she received the Samuel W. Witwer Award for Excellence in the Study of the Illinois Constitution. Monica values public service and has successfully advocated for individuals in need of legal assistance through Ascend Justice, the National Immigrant Justice Center, and various other community-focused groups.
- Chicago-Kent College of Law, Juris Doctor
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Master of Business Administration
- University of Nevada Las Vegas, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Marketing
- University of Nevada Las Vegas, Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies
- Corporate Associate, Kirkland & Ellis LLP
- Illinois
- Missouri
- U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Missouri
- U.S. District Court, Western District of Missouri
- Bohemian Lawyers’ Association of Chicago
- Chicago Bar Association
- “Cyber Cities: The Role of Illinois Municipalities in Preventing and Managing Cyberattacks,” ILGL Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 3, 2022 (First Place in the 2022 Franklin W. Klein Writing Competition)
- “Giving Chicago’s Existing Fine and Seizure System the Boot: The Constitutional Case for Income-Based Fines,” ILGL Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 2, 2021 (First Place in the 2021 Franklin W. Klein Writing Competition)
- “Giving Chicago’s Existing Fine and Seizure System the Boot: The Constitutional Case for Income-Based Fines,” Illinois Municipal Policy Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2021
- “Sea-Sick: Legal Remedies for Cruise Ship Passengers Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal, Issue 9, 2021
- “Do Illinois Municipalities Have Their Heads in the “Cloud?”: Home Rule as Applied to Online Platforms,” ILGL Journal, Vol. 18, Issue 2, 2020 (First Place in the 2020 Franklin W. Klein Writing Competition)
- “Impact of Technology on Home-Rule Power in Illinois,” IICLE Flashpoints, August 2020 (First Place in the 2020 Willis R. Tribler Writing Competition)
Speaking Engagements
- Bohemian Lawyers’ Association of Chicago CLE Presenter February 2024, Czech and Slovak Legal Systems
- IICLE Basic Skills Course Presenter 2022, 2024, Building Your Career and Professional Brand
- Illinois Municipal League Webinar Presenter May 2022, Green Bonds and Income-Based Fees
Community Service
- Bohemian Lawyers’ Association of Chicago, Secretary
- Bohemian Lawyers’ Association of Chicago, Scholarship Committee
- UNLV College of Liberal Arts Connections Mentorship Program, Mentor